In uncertain times for pubs, on little more than a wing and a prayer, we opened an independent music bar, in a disused Blockbuster Video unit, in the middle of January... And it was bloody AWESOME!!!
But nothing could have prepared us for what was to come and like everyone else, the COVID-19 pandemic hit us hard. When Boris announced on Monday (16th March 2020) that the public should avoid pubs, we as a team were gutted, but as we genuinely had come to love so many of our Crow customers, their safety and the safety of their loved ones had to come first. We therefore made the decision to close our doors to the public. Less than a week later the country (like much of the globe) went into lockdown and every pub, venue and non-essential business, closed to the public until further notice.
We can't even begin to express how sad this made us. The Crooked Crow Bar was (and is) more to us than just a business. We poured our love, sweat and tears into that baby (not to mention every penny we could muster)! Our Crow Crew are not only our friends, but our family and we could not make it through this tough time without their continued love and support. But we do have every faith that we will make it through. We know nothing is certain, but we have hope.
Things are changing everyday and its likely that things are going to get worse before they get better, and people enjoying fantastic live gigs will not be possible for the foreseeable future. Hopefully musicians will be busy composing, ready to perform their fresh, awesome new tunes once all this has blown over. And as they will be needing an awesome music venue to do this, we hope to be here ready to host these utterly EPIC gigs!!!
In the meantime, stay safe, stay positive and look forward to the better times ahead.... they will be coming soon xxx
Much Love, The Crooked Crow Team