After some pretty amazing December gigs and events, we closed our doors on Christmas Eve, and with the exception of our sold out New Years Eve gig with The Informers, League Pool on the 2nd Jan and our insanely bonkers CCB Panto (The Tale of Robin Hood), on the 6th Jan, we remained closed until the 9th. Already that feels like an age ago now! We've already had a play, a quiz, BYO vinyl, an acoustic act and 4 live bands this year and there is still loads to come!
And having mentioned the CCB Panto I do need to say a quick few thankyou's. We are so lucky here to have staff and locals who (not only are fantastically talented), but who are willing to give up so much of their time to rehearsing, making and performing... and what a fantastic show they performed!!! A huge THANKYOU to them all & to all the staff who managed such a good job in the chaos: Anj, Haley, Ben, Spence, Vic, Van, Jo, Rhi, Matt, Chris, Karl, Shell, Jarrod, Danny, Sam, Jackie, Ally, Enya, Greg, Haley's Mum, Fi, Rach, Carl & Frank.
For those of you who got to see the show, we hope you had a good time. It was such good fun to create. We will be bringing you more theatre throughout 2024 and another CCB Panto in the new year, so watch this space!!
It's hard to believe there's only 2 weekends left in January, but we have filled them with some absolute corkers!
This Friday: That's What She Said
Don your finest sh*t shirt and come and join the party, as those Hawaiian Shirted Lads from TWSS are back playing the best Pop-Punk & Rocked up Pop! 9pm, Free Entry.
This Saturday 12-6pm: BYO Vinyl
9pm: The Corsairs
Dust off your dancing shoes and prepare for some double bass surfing, punkabilly mayhem!
Free Entry
Sunday Vibes 12-4pm: Good tunes, great beer, locally roasted coffee, board games, darts & pool table. Dogs welcome. Outside food allowed. Over 16s only. Free Entry
Thursday 25th: Now That's What I Call Drag
Our 1st Drag Cabaret is here and we CANNOT WAIT!!!! Ticket Only Event. 18+
Friday 26th: Dirty Deeds
Fantastic AC/DC Tribute. Free Entry. 9pm. 18+
Saturday 27th 12-6pm: BYO Vinyl
Saturday 9pm: Live Britpop & Indie belters from Popscene
Sunday 12-4pm: Ska From The Bar. DJ Double Deckers are back with a brilliant soundtrack of Ska, Soul, Punk & Rock n Roll classic vinyl. Free Entry. 16+